Tuesday, October 7, 2008

my first ever blogging award!

I am so excited to say I just received my first-ever blog award from Caroline at http://thezeninyou.blogspot.com/. Thank you, Caroline! I definitely appreciate it. You made my day! If you haven't checked out Caroline's blog, definitely do so! It is filled with interesting information, insights, and beautiful photographs. Truly, it's a must-read for me daily!

Speaking of my day, I think it is so interesting I just yesterday posted on equanimity. My equanimity was sure challenged today--way too many things going on at the same time. I made it though and did remind myself on multiple occasions to try to stop the incessant chattering in my mind and JUST BREATHE!

Now that I have returned home and back to my state of equanimity, I need to get down to business and pass this award on to others, so I will proceed with the blogging award rules:

Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you have posted your award. Share 6 values that are important to you and 6 things you do not support. Grant the prize to 6 people.

6 Values important to me:

*Gratitude--recognizing grace in my life daily

*Creativity--knowing we are the co-creators of our lives

*Truth--knowing truth, speaking truth, living in truth

*Love--spreading it to everyone we encounter

*Acceptance--of self and others

*Compassion--for self and others

Six things I do not support:

*violence in word, thought, or action


*judgement of others when we haven't walked in their shoes

*silencing our inner truth to appease others


*a sedentary lifestyle

(On a side note, I must say coming up with the 6 things I don't support was hard. I really try to always focus my energy and thoughts on the positives and all that I want to create more of in my life!)

Now...here are my 6 blogging award recipients (drumroll, please):

Naturally Nina at http://naturallynina.blogspot.com/

Kris Carr's Crazy Sexy Blog at http://crazysexycancer.blogspot.com/

Kimberly Wilson at http://www.kimberlywilson.com/blog/

Pink Heels at http://pink-heels.blogspot.com/

The Skeptic Yogi at http://skepticyogi.blogspot.com/

Dirty Footprints at http://dirtyfootprints-studio.blogspot.com/

Hope you enjoy checking out these wonderful ladies' blogs as much as I do! Thanks again, Caroline.

Here is your yoga thought for the day:

"Yoga does not expect us to flee from the world and retire into the Himalayas. It assures us: the refuge you seek you will never find in the outside world. It is within you. Leave the stormy world of the senses behind you, raise your consciousness to the central point of your being and realize that here alone is the force, here alone is the peace and here alone the refuge you are seeking." --Selvarajan Yesudian




Caren said...

Thanks so much for the thoughtful award!! I'm so honored to be thought of amongst the ranks of some of these other awesome bloggers as well!

I'm truly inspired and touched.

Namaste back at ya!!! :)

Caroline said...

You deserve this! I love your blog and love sharing the love. OK, how many times can I say love??? Enjoy!

Pink Heels said...

Thank you beautiful for the wonderful award! It is always fun to receive kudos!

Keep up the great work! Your posts are such a pleasure to read.

Unknown said...

eeeee! thank you so much! i am really excited, and would love to extend my praise back at you for your nice blog. :) you made my day.

Connie said...

Oh thank you so much for this award...more then anything..I just want to thank you for finally making yourself known to me. You are BEAUTIFUL--I absolutely love your blog!! What a great, great pleasure to meet you...and we share so much. Plus, can I say, what an incredible compliment it is to recieve this award in the ranks of those awesome ladies! WOW!!! Please don't be a stranger anymore!!!

Peace & Love.

Connie said...

PS I love the Yoga quote...that baby is going up on my blog tonight!! So is your link!

Peace & Love.