Friday, July 24, 2009


Weekends just don't feel the same when you're off work during the week. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not complaining. I'm just saying Friday nights have a very different vibe when I've put in a long, hard work week. Speaking of working, I have one more full week of summer break left before heading back to a very, very busy month of scheduling and getting ready for the school year. This summer has definitely flown by. Summer break always does, but this one has been even busier and faster than most. I usually like to have long open spaces of time during my summer months with absolutely nothing planned, but I haven't this summer. It's been full of a lot of very good and exciting activities, though...opening a yoga studio, float trip, Father's Day BBQ, trip to KC, 4th of July celebration, and girls' weekend.

Tonight we're off to a wonderful theater in town, Ragtag Cinema cafe', to see the documentary Food, Inc. (We'll be eating dinner BEFORE watching the movie). I'm a little apprehensive about seeing this because I know there will most likely be scenes with animals who are living in horrible conditions, and I can barely stand to watch animals in any sort of pain. This time last year, I was actually doing a lot of reading and thinking about where the food I eat comes from, and I greatly reduced the amount of meat in my diet and pretty much stopped eating any meat that wasn't farm raised and humanely treated. This only lasted for a few months, though...not to make excuses, but my husband loves to grill and cook, and I know he got quite annoyed at me not eating his cooking, but instead asking him to throw a mushroom on the BBQ. We did start trying to buy meat that was farm raised, but saw our grocery bills sky rocket. Anyway, my semi-vegatarianism didn't last very long. We'll see if this movie resparks my desire to change my diet again...

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!


1 comment:

MaHi said...

Hi Lesley, I enjoy very much reading your blog, you inspire me a lot. About meat... I have been a vegetarian for almost 30 years now, on occasion I have eaten fish. I grill halloumi(cypriotic goats chees), veggy burgers and soy sausages, falafel, sticks with vegetables and so on. On todays market there are so many more options for vegetarians. I guess it`s just to get the right inspiration and to get used to a new menu of flavors if you want a change in diet.

Enjoy the movie.