Tuesday, January 12, 2010


"The willingness to listen and act on your inspiration, independent of the opinions of others, is imperative if you're going to live the life you desire." --Wayne Dyer



Grace said...

So very true. I'm working on this one.

Leslie said...

Grace-me too! How is it that we can end up making decisions about OUR lives based on what we think other people will or won't think???

Melita said...

i adore your yoga thoughts - always very thoughtful and inspiring! hugs!!

Marie said...

Sometimes it's kind of fun to realize that mostly we are just inventing what other people are thinking. We constantly tell ourselves stories that are not necessarily the least bit true. So now when I remember this, sometimes I make up really fun thoughts for others, or at least ones that reflect positively on me. Why not? We might as well use our creativity to feel good as to feel awful!

Leslie said...

Love that idea! Thanks for sharing it.

Lisa said...

Oh my goodness...so true, but so difficult! Thank you for sharing this - a good reminder.