Tuesday, November 4, 2008

glorious day

I have the day off from work, and I decided instead of making plans , I would have this be a "do what ever I feel like in the moment day." I can tend to be a very planned and scheduled gal. I definitely believe each of us needs these types of days at least once every two to three months. Our lives can get so busy, so scheduled, so cram-packed full that we can easily forget how to listen to what our intuition and feelings are telling us. We can easily forget to take time to enjoy ourselves! Today, I have no responsibilities, no plans, no to-do's (except to vote of course), so I can totally go with the flow.

I woke at 6:45 a.m. this morning and showered, made my morning cup of decaf brew, watched the Today Show for 30 minutes, vacuumed the floor--yes, I actually felt like and wanted to clean the floors--walked to the voting location and voted, walked back home, and now I am downtown at Panera Bread, sitting outside (it is a beautiful 65 degree, sunny, fall day) having a yummy bagel. The energy in the air today is of excitement, anticipation, and hope. I realize I am so very blessed to be able to have a day where I can do whatever I please and to be able to vote for our next American leader. It is definitely a glorious day.

Here is your yogathought for the day (it actually came out of a fortune cookie):

"Utilize what you have been given."


1 comment:

Miracle said...

I LOVE these kind of days. It has been a while since I had one... so I think I may schedule and unscheduled day! It sounds purely divine!