Sunday, April 3, 2011

spring break 2011 in review

*overnight trip to KC w/ Sweet husband & good friends*

*trip to St. Louis w/ Sweet husband and met up with good friends*

*hosted spring break soiree' w/ girlfriends*

*watched Kris Carr and Garbrielle Bernstein's Crazy Sexy Miracles lecture via ustream*

*dinner on patio at Flatbranch*

*long walk w/ the pups*

*Barnes & Noble browsing*

*Target shopping trip*

*designed and got "expect miracles" t-shirt made*

*Spring Cleaning*

*closet organizing*

*sushi & pad thai at Kampai w/ Sweet Husband*

*reading & mocha sipping at Starbucks*

*typed up loads of yogathoughts for upcoming yoga classes*

*made yummy pasta dinner*

*lunch at Bangkok Gardens & hung out downtown*

*made new vision board*

*got new do...lots of blonde highlights added to my hair*

Peace, Love, Lipstick

& Namaste'


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