Thursday, March 26, 2009

yoga at noon

I'm about to head out to take a noon yoga class downtown. My "normal" life doesn't allow me to take noon classes or do anything outside of the school building during the day for that matter (until summer, that is). It's always interesting to me when I go out for activities during the day when I'm on vacations, and I see all the people out and about, also. Are they on a vacation, too? Are they able to leave their work during the day? Are they independently wealthy and don't have to work at all? Although I completely love my life, sometimes I think it would be so interesting to experience a typical day in the life of another person...Oprah Winfrey, Seane Corn, Michelle Obama would be the first three on my list!

Off to yoga now...

Here is your yogathought for the day:

"Neurocardiology proves what yoga sage Patanjali prescribed in the second century C.E.: put your attention on wholesome states. Soak in love, compassion, and creativity, and in time the ways of seeing and feeling that produce suffering will fall away and the wholesome state will remain. When you focus on love and appreciation, your 'heart brain' affects your cranial brain; it actually changes your brain structurally, creating new neural pathways that make it easier to feel positive and to return to this positive state more quickly when you are stressed, exhausted, or in pain. Your cortisol levels fall, and your immune system may get a boost--in other words, you physically become what you are feeling!" --Jennifer Louden



Melita said...

i have often wondered this myself. if i take a day off work or even a few hours as to run errands or appointments, etc., i wonder why aren't all these people at work. lol.

Lynne from NY said...

I think the same thing! There is this whole other world out there. They are free and aren't stuck in an office inside a building.

The things we do to earn a living. Sigh.......

Melita said...

i wrote about you in my blog.

Emily Anne Carson said...

Wonderful blog; I just stumbled across it! :) Great quote.