Friday, January 9, 2009

scorpio fun

One of my favorite blogs,, posted a link to a website that provides a 2009 astrological Year Overview. While I definitely don't plan my life around these sorts of things, I do always find them interesting and fun. And, I must admit that I'm really liking my 2009 overview and hoping that it actually is accurate! :)

Year 2009 Overview

Get out there and communicate your passionate awareness to the world this year, Scorpio! As you articulate your beliefs, you will move your life -- and the planet -- toward a more spiritual and thoughtful reality. Positively express yourself and your vision, and you will be a source of great inspiration.
Scorpio loves challenges, especially when it involves transformational energy. As you purify your instincts and overcome any fears of letting your creative passion flow, a newfound enthusiasm and strength will arise within you, and affect everyone around you.
You see yourself in a completely different light this year as you discover new ways of bringing harmony into your life and communicating on a deeper level. Accept who you are at the core, and you will experience a wholeness you never thought possible. Trusting yourself is the key to spiritual growth.

If you're interested in yours, check out:


1 comment:

Pink Heels said...

That has to be the best prediction for 2009 that I have read. You are going to move and shake the world into a positive direction! Wow! I can't wait to learn on December 31st whether the predictions for the year were spot-on.