Friday, August 14, 2009


Knowing that when I returned to work the first week of Aug. it would be incredibly busy, I made self-care appointments toward the end of each of the past two weeks to help ensure I wouldn't feel completely depleted and unbalanced from work.

This week, I got a 45 minute "pick-me-up facial." This was my second facial ever. The first one was at a cosmetology school a few years ago, and while it was nice, I definitely knew that I'd much rather spend my self-care time and money getting a massage. I decided to try out getting a facial again because I had a coupon that made it practically free. And, it was heavenly and oh so relaxing! Now, I'm thinking facials might just rate right up there with massages!

Here are some more self-care ideas:

*mani's and pedi's
*getting your hair done (cut, color, etc.)
*browsing a bookstore
*chilling at a coffee shop reading and/or writing
*turning the cell phone off for an entire evening
*doing yoga
*saying no to requests you would usually say yes to out of feelings of guilt or obligation
*going to dinner at your favorite restaurant with yourself (sushi would be my choice)

When's the last time you scheduled a self-care date? What are your favorite self-care activities?



Lynette said...

Massages and pedicures are at the top of my love-myself list!

Anonymous said...

I really try to do quite a bit of self-care. Sometimes, I feel slightly selfish, but in the end, I know it is best to take care of me so I feel good to take care of everything else! Some dedicate Sundays to church, my Sundays are dedicated to my well-being: breakfast with my hubby and son, yoga, a nap, cooking a nice dinner and opening a delighful bottle of wine. My list could go on and on. Love this post!

diana said...

Reading is at the very top of my list. It just seems so decadent to sit and read a good book with a glass of iced tea while sitting out in the beautiful summer weather. I just received a rather large shipment of books from Powells - cannot wait to dig in.
I did scheudle a massage for my self in October - I don't know why, but I just felt that would be a good month to start some good self-care! It is so important!

Lisa said...

My physical and mental health have *required* what I call extreme self-care over the past couple of years. Even with that in mind, though, it's been easy to forget, over-do, and have to regroup!

For me, rest is a HUGE one. Naps. Naps. Naps. Going to be early is key, as well.

Spending time in Nature is another great de-stresser and healer.

Also, I would add: healthy eating, consistent supplement intake, monitoring of negativity around me (hardly any news watching/listening/reading at all).

Energy work (massage, cranio-sacral, Reiki) are big ones, too.

Reading, journaling, spending time with like-minded friends.

And, most of all, giving myself permission to let go.