Monday, June 23, 2008

cleaning out the closets

A few years ago, after seeing my home for the first time, a friend of mine asked, "Where is all your stuff?" "What do you mean, my stuff?" I responded. "You know...all your stuff."
Overall, I don't have a ton of stuff cluttering up my home. Don't get me wrong...I LOVE to decorate and we do have pictures on the walls, furniture, and decorations. However, I'm not a nic-nacky type of gal, and I do like to keep things clean and picked up, for the most part.
Also, before making a purchase (for my home or body) I ask myself: "Do I love this? Does it scream, 'you have to have me'?" If I don't answer yes to both of these questions, I usually don't make the purchase. I also try to make sure when I add items to my closet, I take items out. These are two tips that help me avoid collecting too much stuff.

However, I will be the first to admit the closets in my house often get crammed to the brim in an attempt to keep the house picked up. In my defense, we don't have much storage at all in our home, so the closets do stay full for that reason, also. Because I have extra time on my hands during the summer months, I always try to organize, clean, and do home projects that are hard to find the time or energy to do during the school year. Today, I cleaned out two closets. It feels so good to have them cleaned and organized. I do believe that quite often the home reflects a lot about ourselves and impacts how we are feeling. When our homes are cluttered or dirty, it can definitely have an impact on the energy we have. So, one of my summer goals is to have all the closets cleaned out by the end of the summer...however, like all goals that are set, once set, it is good to focus on the small steps. So, I will be focusing on cleaning one closet at a time--this will help me not feel too overwhelmed at the task! If you're feeling like your home is a bit cluttered, feel free to join me in this endeavor.

Happy cleaning!


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