Tuesday, June 7, 2011

change is good~new blog

Sometimes we just need to make a change~big or small. We just need to act, do something different. I've been playing with the idea of changing this blog for a long while now, and I decided today was the day. Instead of recreating this blog, I decided to create a new one on wordpress. You can now find me here. I hope you stop by, and if you do, please leave a comment because I'd love to hear from you!

Peace, Love, Lipstick, & Namaste'

p.s. Not sure if I will continue to write on this blog or not. I'm just going to see what happens...


Re•Purpose Eclectic said...

I've really enjoyed your blog, though I've never posted. Of course, I will follow you to your new blog! Good luck with it!

ZenSeeker said...

Change is good. I also believe in it. Unless we try, we don't really know what it means, or for that matter what to expect from it. So, you are right, we change and wait for things to happen.

Why do I want to say all this to someone I have never met, seen, or know of. I suppose this is how it is meant to be in this New Age where we are communicating through bits and bytes.

I recently posted a blog after much thought about whether or not I should post one. To me that was change as well -- a change in my attitude to share and freely communicate. You may see this blog at: http://sun-faced-buddha-moon-faced-buddha.blogspot.com